Friday, February 3, 2012

Actor's Blog Watch for the week of Jan. 30, 2012

In this Actor's Blog Watch for this week we have posts from Ann Hu about what it means for and actor or actress to "get pinned", a reminder from Erin Brese to always take a kindness and pay it forward and Joel Putman tells us that we don't need to go anywhere to become famous. Just keep doing what your doing.

With all the talk about SAG and AFTRA merging and some saying that now is the time to join one or the other before things get too complicated, a post on Backstage Unscripted by Joel R. Putnum reminds us to keep doing what we've been doing 'cause you never know...

Steven Spielberg was asked recently where he expected to find the next big thing. His answer? "We're watching YouTube." I personally would rather base my career decisions on verifiable statistics rather than anecdotes, but still, makes you think, doesn't it?

Erin Brese, posting on Backstage Unscripted, reminds us that when other professionals in our field of endeavor are nice to us we should always pay it forward.
Often we focus on the competition in this town, and how that can cause actors to behave abominably to one another at times.  But I've also met some of the kindest, most helpful and most generous actors since I returned to the business this summer, and that gives me hope.  So I'd encourage you to help a fellow actor today, even if it's just in some small way.

When Ann Hu at Backstage Unscripted talks about getting pinned again and she is not talkig about going steady in high school.
It means that you are doing all the right things and living in the right direction; that the gamble is still worth it.
It means there are now a new group of people that believe in you, that are affected by you.
It means that you are doing significant work that is being noticed by the right people.


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