Tuesday, July 10, 2012

About Kutumba Theatre Project And Their First Production

The Kutumba Theatre Project is a collective focusing on works and the development of works that give a voice to the LGBT community, women's interests, and other under served communities.  The Word "Kutumba" has various meanings in many languages and they all resonate with the mission of the Kutumba Theatre Project.

Kutumba: to leap, to strut proudly, a unique bond amongst community members, family or kin.

Baby GirL is the first production for Kutumba Theatre Project.  Kim Ehly, founder of Kutumba Theatre Project, is a 28 year veteran of the theatre and has worked in film, tv, and theatre in NYC, LA, and South Florida.  Baby GirL is being performed at Empire Stage: an artist-driven collective that produces new and existing works for the diverse audiences of Fort Lauderdale, including the LGBT community and senior population.

Given the common missions of Kutumba Theatre Project and Empire Stage, teaming up for the production of Baby GirL is a natural partnership.  Baby GirL has all the elements to engage audiences and give focus to the LGBT community, as well as the adoption population, and lovers of the theatre in general.

About Baby GirL:  Baby GirL was conceived by Kim Ehly in a writing workshop held by Connie Congdon in New York City, in conjunction with a personal monologue exercise in a Strasberg scene study class in New York City.  The monologue was supposed to be two pages long, but ended up being seventeen and half pages…and so, a play was born.  A reading of Baby GirL, while in its development stage, was met with great applause at the New Theatre in Coral Gables.  The screenplay version of Baby GirL placed as a finalist at the NewFest Film Festival in New York City.

Baby Girl features some of the best acting talent in South Florida: Sally Bondi, Clay Cartland, Miki Edelman, David R. Gordon, Noah Levine, Nori Tecosky. Jessica Welch, and Lindsey Forgey as ASHLEY.

Design Team:  Lighting Design - Nate Sykes;  Sound Design - David Hart;  Stage Art Design - Leah Schmaman.

Baby GirL runs July 13 – August 5, Fri and Sat at 8pm and Sun at 5pm. Preview performance on July 12 at 8pm. All performances are at Empire Stage, 1140 North Flagler Dr. Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304. Phone number 954-678-1496. For tickets visit: www.smarttix.com or www.empirestage.com.


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